Beauty Tips : Eyes Sparkling

Eyes Sparkling :
Beauty Tips : Eyes SparklingSparkling, beautiful eyes are the best assets a woman can have. Do not take the time to respond to the special attention that the eyes need regularly.

Eat enough of vitamins A and C. Take special care in choosing eye makeup. Do not use makeup that can irritate and damage the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and do not overlook a check-up on a regular basis.

Tip 1:
Soak a tspn dry Gooseberry powder in a cup of water overnight. Strain this morning and add 1 cup of pure water in this regard. Splash your eyes with this or wash them with a peephole.

Tip 2:
Dip a cotton ball in water to which 2-3 drops of Rose Castor oil is added. Place the swabs on the eyelids and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Tip  3:
Splash your eyes with a solution of weak tea, tight and cooled.

Tip  4:
Cotton swabs soaked in cold tea and placed on eyelids while relaxing.